There seems to be an amazing selection of jobs unheard of to us that are slowly being revealed as we are invited to photograph their businesses. Marshall Day, an Australian business operating throughout the world who specialise in Acoustic Consulting and precision sound travel intrigued us recently with what they do.
We were asked to photograph portraits of them in an outdoor environment which turned out to be one of the hottest days of the year! Apart from spending all day in the amazing heat we learned about how they work tightly with architects and builders to ensure that auditoriums amongst other theaters and venues including the new Adelaide Convention Centre reflect sound so that it is heard with the same clarity both close to the stage and right up into the top level balconies. This related straight away to us with how light is reflected and bounced in both our photography work and the natural world.
The team at Marshall Day were like a big happy family with the founder, Sir Harold Marshall still happily involved after more than 34 years.
What an exciting business!